Project Showcase: Pool Temperature Monitor

Posted on January 5th, 2017

At SuperHouse we love to see the projects other makers are working on.  This week we would like to give a big shout out to Keiran who seems to be making great progress learning Arduino. Keiran has built his own pool temperature monitor! You can read more about the temperature monitor, and share your own creations over on the Freetronics forum.

Pool Temperature Monitor

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Reading Sensor Values Online

Posted on October 1st, 2016

If you want to take your projects to the next level and add online capabilities this tutorial is for you. Although it is relatively simply to connect up a sensor to your Arduino and read sensor values onto an LCD or your serial monitor, making these sensor values accessible over the internet adds a whole new level of complexity! With this tutorial you can learn how to create your own online thermometer. To get started checkout the following link.  


If you are looking for a temperature sensor to use in this project the team at SuperHouse Automation recommends the Freetronics temperature sensor module. To find out more about check out the product page.

Want to keep in the loop about the latest in home automation? Subscribing to SuperHouse Automation on YouTube is the best place to start!

Working on your own home automation projects? The team at SuperHouse Automation would love to know! Tell us about it in the comments section below or on Facebook and Twitter.